Obala 46, 51511 Malinska, Hrvatska

The Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption

Built on a 167 m hill called Gromačina in 1672 with  funds that  priest Ivan Sršić had left in his will, the chapel served as a parish church for the presently abandoned village. During restoration at the beginning of the 20th century, the original dimensions of the chapel, the stone elements of the triumphal arch and a belfry with one opening, were preserved.

The village of Sršić is mentioned in the 15th century in the Charter of the duke Ivan Frankopan. It is a typical rural place, accessed from Sv. Vid via a narrow road through olive groves and forest, once used by peasants for reaching the fields on their oxcarts.

In a manner of speaking, the conveniently located site assumed the role of a crossroad. Houses with a konoba, arch and wood oven, are a prime example of Krk’s traditional folk construction in Sršić. The dense courtyards were criss-crossed with a large number of drywalls (gromača) and two threshing stones are also preserved. This was a gathering site for the local people, mostly the young. Today, the path towards Sršić is considered one of the most beautiful walking paths.